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A Quick Guide to What You Need to Know About Bruxism

Ever caught yourself grinding your teeth more often than usual? If so, you may be suffering from bruxism. This condition can cause extensive jaw pain and damage to your teeth if left untreated. Most people are unaware that they even grind their teeth, as it usually happens during sleep.

If you believe you may have bruxism, look out for common symptoms such as loose teeth. It’s best to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible, as bruxism treatment is highly effective. In many cases, a simple night guard can prevent teeth from grinding and alleviate any pain.

This blog post will serve as a guide to understanding this condition more effectively. 

A Quick Guide to What You Need to Know About Bruxism

If you suffer from teeth grinding or bruxism, you’ll generally fall under one of two categories.

1. Awake bruxism

This is when you grind your teeth during the day. It can happen when you’re stressed or anxious or if you have an abnormal bite or crooked teeth.

2. Sleep bruxism

This is when you grind your teeth at night. It’s often related to other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.

What are the symptoms of bruxism?

The main symptom of bruxism is teeth grinding or clenching. You might not even realize you’re doing it. But over time, bruxism can cause:

· Headaches

· Jaw pain

· Earache

· Aching teeth

· Worn-down teeth

· Loose teeth

· Sensitivity to hot and cold beverages and food

· Difficulty chewing or biting

· Indigestion

· Jaw clicking or popping

· Waking up with a dull headache

· Waking up with sore jaw muscles

How is Bruxism Treated?

If you’re suffering from bruxism, your dentist will be able to tell you if your teeth are being damaged by the condition and recommend oral appliances to protect your teeth. Your dentist may also suggest that you see a doctor or therapist if your bruxism is stress-related.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for bruxism. The goal is to prevent damage to your teeth and jaw. Treatment might include:

· Stress management: This can help if stress is the cause of your bruxism.

· Relaxation techniques: This can help if bruxism is related to anxiety or other mental health conditions.

· Mouth guards or splints: These devices can protect your teeth from grinding at night.

Is Teeth Grinding a Sleep Disorder?

There are many causes of teeth grinding, but the most common cause is stress. Teeth grinding can occur when you’re awake or asleep, and it can be a symptom of a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. If it’s something you do at night involuntarily, your dentist may recommend that you see a sleep specialist to find out if your bruxism is due to a sleep disorder.


Although it may seem harmless, teeth grinding can cause a number of problems. This includes damage to your teeth, jaw pain, and headaches. If you catch yourself grinding your teeth, see your dentist. He or she can help you find out if you have bruxism and recommend treatment options.

If you are looking for a dental expert, come to Manassas Smiles. Manassas Smiles offers complete dental care services like cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, or gum disease treatment under one roof.

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