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Bleeding Gums: When Should You See A Dentist for Treatment?

If you have ever noticed your gums bleeding after brushing your teeth, you may be speculating if this is normal.

A gum disease called gingivitis might manifest as bleeding gums. Plaque accumulation on your teeth is what causes gingivitis.

A sticky layer of food particles, bacteria, and saliva is known as plaque. Tartar can form if plaque is not removed before it hardens. Only a dentist or dental hygienist can remove tartar.

Continue reading to learn more about bleeding gums and where to go for the best dental care.

What Causes Your Gums to Bleed?

Gum bleeding can be brought on by a number of different factors. Your gums may be bleeding for a variety of causes, but the following are some of the most frequent ones:

Incorrect or Aggressive Brushing Techniques

Many people think the greatest way to get their teeth as clean as possible is to brush them firmly. But because our gums are so delicate, brushing too vigorously can irritate them and cause bleeding.

To avoid damage and gum recession, it is essential to brush in a circular motion.

Again, many people buy toothbrushes with hard, firm bristles, believing that more abrasiveness will help with tooth cleaning. They have a larger chance of inflaming your gums and harming your tooth enamel, so put in soft or medium-sized bristles in its stead.

Incorrect Flossing Techniques

Natural flossing is not everyone’s cup of tea, and using the wrong method might result in the gum being sliced or receding. When flossing, move up and down the contour of each tooth with little pressure.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease is a major contributor to tooth loss in the US and one of the main reasons for bleeding gums. You need to see one of the best dentists in Manassas to treat this chronic condition as soon as possible to prevent it from worsening.

What Is Gum Disease?

Almost everyone will develop gum disease at some point in their lifetime due to its frequency and progression. Since the disease’s initial symptoms are so minor, many people disregard them until the condition worsens and influences their lives significantly.

Bad breath and bleeding gums are two of the most obvious signs of gingivitis in its early stages.

Gum disease progresses into periodontitis, a dangerous condition linked to many significant problems impairing oral and general health. Included are issues with the heart, abscesses, tooth loss, deterioration of the jawbone, and lung infections.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease is brought on by the accumulation of sticky, bacterial-filled plaque on the teeth. This plaque irritates the gums, causing them to swell, pain, and begin bleeding.

If you’ve noticed blood in the sink after brushing your teeth more than a few times in a month, schedule an appointment with our dentist for a checkup. This is especially true if you also have foul breath or a slightly sour taste.

The dentist will be able to examine your teeth in detail and evaluate the health of your gums. 

When gum disease is still in its early stages, your dentist will likely schedule a professional cleaning to remove any stubborn plaque. You will also be given instructions on maintaining your teeth as clean as possible to prevent a recurrence.

If your gum disease worsens, you need more dental work. 


If you notice bleeding gums, it’s important to see your dentist immediately. Your dentist will be able to determine the cause of the bleeding and recommend the best course of treatment.

Manassas Smiles provides comprehensive dental care treatments such as gum disease treatment, dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry. Visit a dentist today if you’re experiencing bleeding gums!

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