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What Are the Best Veneers for Teeth?


Veneers | The field of cosmetic dentistry has exploded in recent years, with a dizzying variety of treatments now available. Given the abundance of cosmetic treatments, it can sometimes be confusing determining which one makes the most sense for you and your individual situation.

When it comes to veneers teeth sometimes make the choice for you. It often comes down to the current state of your teeth, as well as factors like your budget and whether you’re looking for a permanent treatment or not.

There are two basic types of dental veneers: composite and porcelain. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


Composite is basically the same material that is used to place tooth-colored dental fillings. To receive composite veneers, your dentist would apply the composite material in a series of layers, periodically hardening each layer with the use of a special light. They would then carefully sculpt and polish the composite for a smooth finish. 


Most people consider porcelain veneers to be superior to composite, although they are somewhat more expensive. Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells bonded to teeth after the removal of some of the outer surface of each treated tooth.



The cost varies widely, depending upon a range of factors. If you’d like to learn how much dental veneers would cost you, please reach out to schedule a consultation.

Porcelain vs. Composite

One of the main advantages of porcelain veneers over composite is the fact that porcelain offers a closer match to the appearance of original teeth. It is also more durable than composite, which is prone to developing chips and cracks over time.

On the other hand, porcelain requires two dental appointments and some removal of tooth structure. 

Another difference between porcelain and composite is expense. Porcelain is more expensive, but many patients consider the extra expense to be worth it due to the superior qualities offered by these veneers.

However, if you’re looking for a temporary solution for cosmetic problems like chips, cracks, and stains, composite may make sense for you, and you can always get porcelain veneers later on.

If you want to improve the look of your teeth and smile because of both chips/cracks and discoloration, porcelain may make more sense for you because it covers both bases in one treatment.


  • Highly stain resistant
  • Very durable
  • Placement requires two appointments


  • More susceptible to staining and structural damage
  • Less expensive
  • Only requires one appointment

Schedule Your Consultation

Are you still undecided about whether to get composite or porcelain? Feel free to contact us at any time to request more information about dental veneers or to schedule a consultation.